Welcome to my fan page about Brother by Ania Ahlborn!
I was NOT expecting to fixate on this book so much, but here we are.
This page will mostly have fanart and ramblings, but I might upload a few fanfiction snippets as well.
This book has a LOT of trigger/content warnings and I will be discussing spoilers!!!
If this book, or my fan work of it, are not your jam, that is 100% understandable and I hope you can have fun elsewhere. This is a h e a v y book.
TW/CW for the book:
- Murder
- Stalking + Kidnapping
- Child abuse (battery)
- Child abuse (sexual assault by relative)
- Parents beating their children when they're older as well
- Cannibalism
- Unknowing incest (kiss + blood related)
- Knowing incest (kiss + adopted. Unwilling on one side)
- Mention of rape
- Attempted rape
- Pet death
- Bullying + harrasment
- Mentions of sexual acts and functions
- aaaaaand alchoholism
I told you it was a heavy book.
And now even with that said, my fan works will probably have more warnings to tack onto the list lol
This was one of the most disturbing, horrific, jaw-clenching books I've ever read.
...And I also thought some of it sounded hot IN FANTASY(!!!) so that will ahem pop up in some of my stuff bc I am a FREAK and exploring my sexuality
Still here for my self-indulgent, niche stuff? YIPPEE! Have fun (or get scared, or both.)
This page will update with the newest stuff on the top
Here's the link to an aesthetic photo collage with similar vibes to this book
Gothic PinkHere's the link to my eventual fanfiction! I might give it up hehe whoops. I might also put it on AO3, we'll see. I like to finish my stories before uploading, but I'll make an exception here.
Open Me <3 Example box

Open Me <3 Michael and Rebel having a smoke (gone gay)

semi-traced over from this image. Credits coming soon.

Open Me <3 Michael stabbing Rebel (illustrated blood tw)

Open Me <3 Pinterest collage I made

Open Me <3 Fanart of Michael, Alice, and Rebel on a roadtrip

Open Me <3 Fanart of Michael. Half-nude + injuries

Open Me <3 Fanart of the main cast