Here are my thoughts. I might put poems or quotes here as well. :]

My Musings

Mood: Excited!


Date: 20/9/24


Open Me <3 I'm a thought

I need to get a shit ton more oil though. That tiny bottle is NOT cutting it.

It's sooooo much better than a binder to me. Highly reccomend if it's the best option for you personally.

Mood:Excited with a dash of looming dread



First Day of Classes

Open Me <3 I'm a thought


Had my first class of the year today. It's a computer science course so I'm really excited to see how the stuff I learn will translate over to this website.

It was sort of challenging because we're using Unix and Python, which I've never used before (I think), but it was fun! I have another class tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.



Date: 23/8/24

Going Back 2 Skool

Open Me <3 I'm a thought

I'm going back to school soon and I'm feeling nervous-excited.

I'm excited because it's literally my dream school, but I sort of feel imposter syndrome? I know everyone everywhere feels like that--ESPECIALLY in higher education, but ugghhhhh

I'm just worried I won't be cut out for this whole school thing even though I've made it so far.

Mood: Angry

CW: brief mention of SH + themes of systematic violence.

Date: [enter date here]

Elegy of Humanity

Open Me <3 I'm a poem

They’d rather have us slit our wrists and tits and thighs and hips and cut out our tongues “you Mangy Scum”

You call us curs, but we’ve heard worse

So, come on, what are you waiting for?

We’re Peter Pan’s Lost Boys and Girls,

Us kids ain’t getting any older:

We die when we get bolder.

You’ll never have an answer that’s satisfactory

We’ll all keep getting burnt in your factories

It’s getting March 25, 1911 up in this bitch

According to you, we aren’t going to Heaven,

We’re lying in a ditch.

So Fuck You, Man and fuck your cronies too!

There isn’t any peace, hand in hand,

When we’re still sitting next to the Klan

You erased my history twice–no, thrice

And we pay the price

Is it really any mystery why I still fight?

All our books are getting burnt in your mansions

It’s getting Fahrenheit 451 up in this bitch

Turn on the light switch

Can’t see through all of your shit

You wish we could go back to the good old days

Where you could have signs that say:

“No dogs, no Mexicans” no rights, no freedoms

Is it really that United if you compare us to the

Animal Kingdom

Meanwhile destroying the ecosystem?

I guess “We the People” doesn’t apply

To those who can’t apply

For jobs

Where they check your cred’

Where the fuck did all these


Come from?

Crawling up the walls

They aren’t Spider-Pig

They can’t grow figs

Where do you go when there’s no one you can rely on?

Illegal to help,

No money to go

All of these people

Acting like my friends have a bomb

They say to do right is wrong.

Baby crying in the cage

I can hardly control my rage

They shoot up

Our schools

Our houses

Our pride parades

Only Pride allowed is that of America

Land of the not-so-free

And also me

Torn between both worlds

My paper skin distracting from my curls

If I was pulled over,

I’d only have to worry about looking “too queer”

I’m just over here

Minding my business

While you’re over there

Up on my Business

Trying to look down my pants

See where my Identity is at

And I could go on forever with this rant

Everybody join this chant:





No matter what they say.

Made [5/6/23]
